Tips on Using CBD for Pets | Jambo Superfoods

Tips on Using CBD for Pets

We care for our pets like members of our families, and when they’re not feeling well, we want to help them as best we can. At Jambo Superfoods, that means supplementing a treasured pet’s diet with our CBD Pet Drops, created to honor our beloved dog Jambo, the namesake of our business.

While there’s tons of anecdotal information available on how CBD—a component of cannabis known for therapeutic benefits without the “high”—can be effective for pets, there are few scientific studies available that prove benefits for animals. In addition to a lack of research, there are no laws that allow for veterinarians to recommend cannabis to treat illnesses or injuries, in fact, vets risk losing their licenses to even discuss medical marijuana for pets.

However, even faced with a lack of reliable information, many pet owners feel there’s no harm in trying this unusual treatment for elderly, chronically or terminally ill dogs, many of whom have no other options.

All mammals, including dogs and cats, possess endocannabinoid systems, but there are critical differences in how the ECS functions in canines versus humans. Dogs have more cannabinoid receptors throughout their bodies, meaning that a little bit goes a long way.

While CBD can help soothe animals suffering from separation anxiety, upsetting events like fireworks, arthritis, inflammation, and pain, there are some essential things to understand before trying CBD as a treatment option.

Avoid THC

Pets should not be ingesting cannabis flowers, hash or edibles made for people. THC can be fatal for small animals, especially if it’s paired with chocolate or artificial sweeteners like xylitol, both ingredients that are poisonous for dogs. Unlike humans, it’s possible for smaller dogs to ingest so much THC that it could prove fatal, so be safe and visit the emergency vet, where animals can be treated with IV fluids, stomach pumping or charcoal to help flush its system.

Symptoms of THC overdose in dogs include loss of motor control, dribbling urine, drooling, staggering, panting, vomiting or flinching at movements. While fatal overdoses are extremely rare for animals, you’re still going to incur a large bill from the emergency vet for treating an accidental ingestion. Make sure to keep all THC-containing products locked up and away from children and pets!

Only Use CBD for Dogs

When using a CBD tincture such as our Pet Drops, start by giving the animal a very low dose based on its body weight. Slowly increase the dose day by day until you notice benefits such as lessened anxiety or increased mobility without any excessive lethargy, which can be a sign of too much CBD.

Veterinarians Aren’t Legally Able to Talk About CBD

Even if your vet is aware of the benefits of CBD for animals, they would be putting their business at risk in recommending its use. There are no laws on the books that protect the right for animals to access medical marijuana, and so the entire situation is a legal grey area. You don’t have to worry about a vet reporting you to the authorities for using cannabis because there is a type of “doctor-patient confidentiality” between pet owners and veterinarians.

If the doctor asks why Fido is feeling so frisky, that’s a teachable moment to educate your vet about the healing potential of CBD!